A crooked set of teeth is not always just an aesthetic problem, and crooked teeth can cause persistent posture problems, as MC20 dentists and orthodontists know well. Crooked teeth are …
MC20 is the dentist specializing in orthodontic treatments for adolescents, i.e. for people between 8 and 16 years of age. In this life phase, the body develops and passes from …
Parents are often afraid to take the autistic child to the dentist since they are well aware of the difficulties of bonding to him/her and are engaged in daily care …
MC20 is your trusted orthodontist, the one to go to treat crooked teeth and have the best smile. Orthodontics comes from the Greek ortho (right, correct) and dons (tooth). In …
Wisdom teeth are a residue that we carry with us from human evolution and allowed us to eat uncooked foods. Today, however, these teeth are not useful for chewing and …
We have all suffered from toothache at least once in our lives, a common problem that presents itself as painful pangs that start from the tooth and involve the face. …