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Orthodontics in adults: what are the best solutions

by Chiara Mastroleo

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with straightening teeth and more and more adults are turning to MC20 to find the best smile. Unlike childhood orthodontics, straightening teeth in adulthood means working on a fully grown skull and jawbones, and the appliance only works with tooth movements.

The main reason for intervening with dental braces in adulthood is malocclusions, i.e. the problematic contact between the teeth of the upper arch and those of the lower arch. It is a general-based problem or caused by incorrect behaviors such as sucking a baby’s finger or a pacifier, mouth breathing, and atypical swallowing.

Device for adults: how to overcome the embarrassment

Whoever has worn the appliance knows well what the inconvenience and embarrassment of wearing a traditional fixed appliance are. This embarrassment increases if the patient is an adult and for this reason, one turns to MC20 and can count on alternative devices, such as Invisalign, designed precisely to overcome these problems. Frequently, people 30 or even 60 years old wear braces: discreet solutions have been studied for them, which are not noticeable but give a dazzling smile. Let’s see what they are.

Invisalign appliance

It is an innovative therapy that allows you to realign your teeth without a traditional fixed or mobile appliance. Invisalign consists of a series of transparent and removable masks built to measure for the patient starting from the dental impression. The solution is appreciated not only from an aesthetic point of view but also for the simplicity and practicality of cleaning.

Lingual appliance

It is an orthodontic appliance that is completely invisible from the outside and is applied to the inside of the teeth. Like Invisalign, it is an effective option appreciated by adults, although more difficult to manage than traditional invisible orthodontics.

Device for adults: when is it needed?

The decision to apply an orthodontic appliance on adults is made by the dentists of MC20 after a thorough dental analysis and a series of examinations. In particular, the dentist will take the impressions of the arches and make frontal and lateral plates of the skull, photos of the teeth, and orthopantomography.

This way, it will be possible to study the dentition with precision, identifying malocclusions and alignment defects and arriving at the creation of a device tailored to the real needs of the patient.

Orthodontic treatment in the adult stage can prove to be particularly advantageous since realigning the teeth improves the efficiency of the temporomandibular joint, which regulates the complex movement of the jaw. This way, chewing and phonation improve and there are also important benefits for the posture that must be taken care of carefully to avoid spinal problems as you age.

If your teeth are not perfectly aligned and, even if you are already an adult, you want to find your best smile, the recommendation is to contact MC20 specialists. We will study the model of appliance that best suits you to better the health of the mouth and the aesthetics of the smile!

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