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Toothache: What are the best remedies?

by Chiara Mastroleo

We have all suffered from toothache at least once in our lives, a common problem that presents itself as painful pangs that start from the tooth and involve the face. In many cases, the pain increases with chewing, the swings between hot and cold, and the intake of sweets. What are the main causes of toothache?

Dentists are well aware that in most cases, toothache is associated with tooth decay, gum disease, abscess, or other extra-dental causes such as sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia. Each problem is associated with a different toothache, which arises suddenly or occurs constantly over time. So let’s see the advice of the MC20 Dental Clinic to solve the toothache.

Main remedies for toothache

Dentists remind you that, in case of toothache, it is crucial to take action promptly to prevent it from getting worse and the pain from increasing. For this, there are many different remedies to rely on. Let’s see the main ones.

Pharmacological remedies

Toothache medicines should be taken after checking by your trusted dentist and include anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. Remember that these remedies act on the symptom and not on the cause of the problem.

Home remedies

When you suffer from toothache you can rely on some home remedies, including:

  • Treatment of the painful area with hot water and pepper;
  • Application on the cheek of an ice bag;
  • Application on the tooth of clove essential oil with an antiseptic and pain-relieving effect;
  • Use of aloe vera gel, with soothing power;
  • Packs with sage or whiskey with antiseptic, anesthetic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Grandma’s remedies for toothache

There are also some grandmother’s remedies, which allow relieving toothache. Among these is the tradition of rubbing a clove of garlic on the painful area or eating a raw onion.

The importance of proper nutrition

The first digestion takes place in the mouth, and for this reason, it is essential to have healthy and strong teeth to better chew food and grind it. Those who face a sudden toothache must be able to count on proper nutrition. In particular, MC20 orthodontists recommend reducing the consumption of sugars, coffee, energy drinks, and some foods that could stain your teeth, such as artichokes, citrus fruits, and red wine.

In any case, it is vital to never neglect toothache, regardless of its intensity. These are parts of the body that cannot be regenerated and healed without the intervention of the dentist, and it is not enough to stop the pain. The only effective remedy is to contact your doctor and trusted specialist, who will trace the origin of the pain and treat any infection or pathology before the condition escalates.

Book now your visit at the MC20 Dental Practice!

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