Home News Why do teeth move throughout life? The expert’s answer

Why do teeth move throughout life? The expert’s answer

by Wolfgang JOHANNES

There are many reasons that in the course of life lead to the displacement of the teeth and changes from the original position. Many MC20 patients come to us saying they have worn tooth braces and have, years later, crooked and misaligned teeth again. The same also goes for those who had straight teeth and suddenly find themselves with aesthetic and functional problems. Why does this happen?

In the first place, there is no need to worry. Dental displacement throughout life is a physiological and natural thing as dental arches are not rigid structures. The structure that houses and supports the teeth is the periodontium which is made up of bone, periodontal ligament, gum, and root cement of the dental element or the periodontal tissue. Let’s see now why teeth move and shift throughout life.

The causes of tooth displacement

A minimum shift of the teeth over time is normal and is due to the narrowing of the arches, but not only. To this physiological cause are added other aspects, which lead to the modification of the position of the dental elements and among these there are:

  • Dental diseases such as periodontitis or pyorrhea
  • Bruxism leading to gritting of the teeth at night;
  • Lack of teeth or crowding of teeth in the arch.

In all these cases, to restore the ideal or original situation, you can undergo an orthodontic treatment by relying on the MC20 specialists, who use appliances to straighten the teeth with a dual purpose: for aesthetic purposes or to restore correct chewing.

To change position, the tooth pushes and carries out a process of bone demolition, which is followed by bone regeneration and both processes ensure significant and normal mobility of the teeth.

Periodontal disease as a cause of moving teeth

Displacement and movement of the teeth can be caused by periodontal disease, an oral disease that leads to tooth mobility and changes from the original position. It is a common pathology, but it must be diagnosed and treated early to prevent the loss of teeth due to bacteria, which initiate a progressive and inevitable process of bone resorption.

The dentists are aware of the problem during the dental cleaning, in which the damage to the periodontium and the supporting tissue emerges, which is no longer able to accommodate and firmly support the teeth.

Teeth shifting due to bruxism and trauma

Over the years, even those suffering from bruxism come to a more or less accentuated tooth displacement process. Teeth grinding not only wears out the enamel but causes constant trauma and stresses that lead to tooth mobility and misalignment of the teeth.

In case of suspected bruxism, it is important to contact your trusted dentist for the realization of the bite, and a transparent mask to be worn at night to limit the problem. Heavy falls and accidents are also the cause of tooth movement.

Dental mobility due to lack or crowding of teeth in the arch

In other cases, the teeth move due to the lack of crowding of the teeth in the arch. If the tooth is missing, the adjacent one will move to fill the bone gap and cover the hole. For this reason, MC20 dentists recommend replacing lost teeth as soon as possible by making bridges or dental implants.

If you find yourself in one of these situations or you want to know why your teeth move, the invitation is to contact the MC20 dental office where you will find competent and specialized doctors who will help you solve any orthodontic problem.

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